Monday 14 October 2019

Every Small Deed Counts

Just earlier in the day during our session of the Al Ghazali Kids’ Club, the children learnt the Hadith in which Rasulullah ‎ﷺ said: “The deeds most loved by Allah ﷻ (are those) done regularly, even if they are small. [Bukhari and Muslim]

I asked the children what small deeds they could do regularly. They said they could help to wash the dishes, sweep the floor, hold the lift door for others, smile more, and feed the stray cats.

Later that night, their intention to feed the stray cats was realised when they found Dino the Cat with an overturned water bowl. Dino was so thirty after his meal that he wanted to drink from their bottle! So they poured their water into Dino’s bowl and he lapped it up thirstily, much to the girls’ delight.

Thank you Allah ﷻ for giving the girls their wish. May they persevere in carrying out their small deeds to gain Your Pleasure. Aameen.

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